How to call your son to the dinner table while he is playing the drums upstairs? With a JavaFX touchscreen application with web interface!

How to call your son to the dinner table while he is playing the drums upstairs? With a JavaFX touchscreen application with web interface!

Material list:
  • Raspberry Pi 3B+
  • Touchscreen, in my case a 7” model
  • 2 * SPI stackable relay boards
  • Arduino Uno
  • WS2812B LED strip
  • 5V power supply, depending on the number of LEDs on the strips, in my case this 20A model
  • USB cable between Pi and Arduino
  • Mounting material, a lot of cables, different lights to connect to the relays

The project code is shared on GitHub > “DrumBoothController”. As it uses both a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino, you’ll find two directories in the sources.

For a full description check this blog post.