This project describes all parts to make a LoRaWAN network.

The object connected (electronic part):
This is a small shield which sends a message when the switch is closed. It uses the RN2483 module (MPLAB and XC8) without another micro-controller. When the message has been sent, the object is turned off. You need to switch off again to send a new message.
12/12/2018: the RN2483 works very well. The power supply needs to be made.
The gateway LoRaWAN*:
Because a multi-canals gatewayĀ  is expensive, we made a simple canal with a Raspberry Pi and a Dragino shield. The software is implemented to run on 868.100 MHz and the SF12 mode (spreading factor: SF12 is the longest).
12/12/2018: the gateway is ready but the programā€™s MAC address is the Ethernet port. We need to transfer datas from the Ethernet port to the Wifi port to use the Gateway with Wifi.
The servers LoRaWAN:
We choose to use lorio.io servers rather than The Things Network because they are more stable but you can use other LoRaWAN servers.
Android application:
The application receives notifications when a message is transmitted
12/12/2018: I need to develop this program with the name MyMouse
iOS application:
12/12/2018: I begin to develop this application.