| Modding a DIY FM radio kit.
| Modding a DIY FM radio kit.
| Not quite Wi-Fi, not quite Bluetooth either…
| A single 7-segment digit built with 8-mm round through-hole WS2812B addressable RGB LEDs.
| Webinar aired on August 11, 2022. Here are the slides.
| A tiny solar power supply similar to those found in garden lights, but with a voltage regulator.
| The M.A.R.S. rover from 4tronix is an autonomous vehicle designed to drive around on rough terrain.
| De CO2 Guard bewaakt de binnenluchtkwaliteit (IAQ) door de kooldioxideconcentratie van de lucht te meten. Door het onder de 1000 ppm te houd...
| De Automator is een (huis)automatiseringscomputer met wifi en bluetooth, plus een relais om iets te schakelen. Je kunt allerlei sensoren en...
| Measures and displays temperature, humidity and heat index.
| ESP32-based (home) automation computer to control almost anything.